

We Love Long Beach

I got involved with We Love LB’s mission when I went looking for opportunities to help my community in Long Beach during COVID-19 lockdowns. I helped put together forms for neighborhood mutual aid organization and continue to maintain the website so that the nonprofit organization can focus on helping our neighbors.

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Jonny Two Bags

For this website, I created a custom design using album artwork and created a customized child theme in WordPress. I created this wireframe using Balsamiq in the early stages of design to illustrate what jonnytwobags.com might look like.

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Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons

I partnered with Blue Biscuit Digital and Frankie Valli’s manager to create this portfolio website. Tour dates are updated from Bandsintown, a centralized database for ease of maintenance and promotion. I also added a password protected page for tour managers to send to venue managers to ensure everything’s ready in advance for Frankie’s shows.

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I added content and made adjustments as requested to Ephwurd’s WordPress website website, including optimization of high resolution images for web display – large, sharp graphics that also load quickly on a mobile device! I also added a button for the merch store to the navigation, and restructured some of the HTML. This site is

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Jesse Dayton

I overhauled Jesse’s existing site to made it look as clean and professional as possible, cleaned out unnecessary WordPress plugins, edited and replaced photos (optimizing for high quality and fast loading times), and gave the whole thing a thorough series of CSS adjustments. I also debugged some WooCommerce conflicts that prevented transactions from completing.

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